08 November, 2009

Finally.. a use for all those pretty full-colour catalogs...

I always know it's holiday time when I start getting massive amounts of those pretty full colour catalogs in the mail.  Sure - I receive my fair share of Victoria's Secret and Pottery Barn all the time, but now I'm getting The Paragon, Keepsake Quilting, LLBean, Land's End... you name it, I get it.

Between being annoyed at the kid for looking at the Teen Pottery Barn catalog when she's supposed to be doing her homework and being appalled at the total waste of time, $$$ and resources of sending out these lovely catalogs that end up in the round file at the end of the week, I decided I needed to find a good use for them.

Behold - Pottery Barn, Teen style:

I basically followed the same style as the newspaper one, except I folded the pages a little differently.  Instead of fold in half, then fold in half <2 more times til right size>, I made a fold mark down the middle.  I then folded the edges to the centers until I had the correct size - why?  This way I end up w/only one 'loose' part that I may need to add some glue to later on, instead of a 'fan' of loose folds .

Of course the Pottery Barn catalog isn't that wide, so I did have to glue the strips together to make a bigger box - I think this one is about 7" x 5" or so and note that it is only about 3" tall.  Instead of using a matte finish, like I did w/the newspaper, I used a shiny lacquer - good choice, it's really cool and really made the different colours in the catalog pop.

I also think that using Modge Podge may be a better choice than just glue + lacquer,  so a trip back to Michael's w/my newly minted coupons is in order for tomorrow am.  Modge Podge is usually used for decoupage, but I think a layer of Modge Podge before the lacquer will fix some of my glue issues.

Next?  Victoria's Secret.  I expect that box will be very popular ;)

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